Testimony 33
We were having a praise and worship session at the Nativity Church adoration room and the music was beautiful to my ears. I closed my eyes to let the grace of the hymn to stream within me. A vision came to me quickly. I was startled to see Julia’s face closeup; she was wearing a wedding gown veil smiling, but the next moment her countenance changed and started to tear up. My feelings were connected to her affliction, loss and pain. I just experienced her grief of a strained relationship. Her shedding tears went along with mine. There were few visions stirred my emotions, often visions stir-fried my brain cells and left me with a lot of question marks. I sensed an irresistible prompting to share this with Julia, and she affirmed my vision. A few weeks later, I prayed for her in an adoration room and I had this vision about Julia.
Mother Mary seated in a seiza style holding a black coffin with a cross on it in her hands and after that someone buried it. An umbrella on a black luggage appeared followed by a plane. There were a few cars in an open area and one white car had knocked into another. Julia appeared sitting with her palms holding to the edge on top of a burning building, looking distressed in tears and calling out for help. Flashes of shooting lit up the background, and it became a war zone as tanks fired at one another. Airships arrived, but they quickly faded away into the darkness of space. A flooded level ground showed up on a lifeless planet. Ripples turned into view on a small surface of water and a sea emerged. A man with a beard emerged and vanished. Soil gathered on a black coffin with a red cross on it which remained in the earth. Winter came and snow covered the terrain, a brook appeared and streams of water flowing.
The lengthy imagery puzzled me; there was no way I could assemble the scenes of this vision. Julia too couldn’t make anything out.