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Testimony 22

Jason believed in God but one condition, if God blesses him with prosperity. Well, with God all things are possible. However, looking at Jesus’s life, He did not come to earth to enjoy wealth, in fact he rejected the temptations of the enemy. Believing in God is definitely more than knowing He will bless us with riches. Jesus was stripped and nailed on the cross to die for the sins of men; his life was all about love.

So, I prayed that Jason would be receptive to the presence of God. I saw a stormy sea and a huge wave roared towards the darkened sky and the next moment I was sinking in the blue water. Instead of being drowned and gasping for air, there was a calm, peaceful and soothing feeling, a sizeable crucifix appeared before me. I received an interpretation that Jason would find God at the bottom of the sea, meaning at a low point of his life. Jason would unexpectedly find God when he thinks his life is in ruins.